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Broken Access Control : Solution

Missing Function Level Access Control

For this exercise we use a new application for the management of marks Marks Manager. For this exercise, you will receive from the professor usernames and passwords of different users (admin, prof, student).
Normally a student can not change their own marks.
Visit the site using the different users. Note the URL's of the different resources.

Try to change the mark of a student (give them a 6.0 for instance).


We visit the application and note which resources are available:
  • Some pages are used by professors: prof.php, prof2.php,viewMessages.php ,course.php?courseID=1 (can be used to set the marks)
We log as a student and access directly to the URL:
We change the mark. Submit. The mark has been modified.
The process is much more difficult without the various accounts of different levels. You must "guess" the name of the resources.

Attack your guestbook using insecure object references

  • Login as a normal user.
  • Get the ID of all users.
    For doing this, you do not have the right to look in the DataBase (too easy).
  • Read some messages you do not have the right to read (changing the id in the URL)
  • Send messages with a wrong author.
  • Change the password of any user (other than the one your are).


  • ID can be found in the view source of the form (to send messages)
  • Change the ID of the message in the URL.
  • Change the Querry String inside the URL bar.
    Write any number as a userID (not yours if you want).