Exercise: Connect a database in PHP
Create a database
Start phpmyadmin on your computer (http://localhost/phpmyadmin/ or http://localhost:8080/phpmyadmin/.Create a new database:
(or name it as
you wish)If you receive the message "403 Forbidden", you have to edit a file. Inside the XAMPP application, go to Volumes/Mount, then click on Explore. Edit the file
. Replace the code
Require local
with the code
Require all granted
The page should now appear normally.Download the following database: medizininformatik2.sql.txt. Import it inside the new created database (medizininformatik).
Manipulate the database
In phpmyadmin, use the SQL mode for writing some SQL-Queries.
- Write a query for selecting all patients.
Solution :SELECT * FROM patient
- Write a query for selecting only the names and first names of all
Solution :SELECT name, first_name FROM patient WHERE 1
- Write a query that displays name and first name of all staff,
plus their function
Solution :SELECT name,first_name,function_name FROM staff, function WHERE staff.fonctionID=function.functionID
the solution can also be:SELECT name,first_name,function_name FROM staff inner join function ON staff.fonctionID=function.functionID WHERE 1
- Write a query that displays for the patient with ID=1 the
Solution :SELECT name, first_name, value, time FROM patient, vital_sign WHERE patient.patientID = vital_sign.patientID AND vital_sign.signID = 1 AND patient.patientID=1
- Change your query to display all vital signs (with the names of
each sign "Temperature", "Pulse", ...)
Solution :SELECT name, first_name, value, time, sign_name FROM patient, vital_sign, sign WHERE patient.patientID = vital_sign.patientID AND vital_sign.signID = sign.signID
Write some pages using PDO
- Write a page displaying the list of all patients.
- Instert a link in this page, if you click on one patient, it opens a page about this patient.
- The patient's page contains the names (first and last) and list of vital signs, and also medicines taken.
Modify your program, in order to use the
database for the login. The usernames are to be found in table
, whereas the passwords are in the table
Then you print the list of all the patients, for the users that
registred successfully inside the system. For each patient, you will
write a link, that will open a page containing the details of the
patient (today, this page contains only the name, first name, MRN,
date of birth and gender).
Credentials: The passwords are stored "hashed" in order not to be too easy
to steal. So we created the password with the function:
INSERT INTO `medizininformatik`.`credential` (`credentialID`, `staffID`, `hashed_password`, `hashed_nfctag`) VALUES (NULL, '1', sha('house'), '');For each user, we used the username as password (it is not very secure indeed).
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Prof. Dr. Emmanuel Benoist
Berner Fachhochschule - TI
Quellgasse 21
CH-2501 Biel/Bienne
Mail: emmanuel.benoist (at) bfh.ch
Berner Fachhochschule - TI
Quellgasse 21
CH-2501 Biel/Bienne
Mail: emmanuel.benoist (at) bfh.ch
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