Exercise: Connect a database in Node-Red

Install CURL

First we need to install the curl application:
$ sudo apt install curl

Write a service that reads a GET token

Wirte a service, that needs as input a token "securetoken" and verifies the value. The value must be "fkjdkfd2288". If the token is OK. Then the service returns a JSON list of all the patients. If the token is not OK, it returns an empty list.


You can download the flow from: solutionGET.json
This works on the URLs : http://localhost:1880/test_json_secure2?securetoken=fkjdkfd2288 and http://localhost:1880/testSecure?securetoken=fkjdkfd2288.

Write a service that reads a POST token

Write a service, that reads from the POST method the following JSON:
    "patient": 1
If the token is valid and the patient id also, then you return a JSON containing the data of this patient.


You can download the flow from: solutionGetPost.json
To test, use the following CURL command:
curl -X POST -d'{"securetoken":"fkjdkfd2288", "patient":1}' -H "Content-type: application/json" http://localhost:1880/readtoken